Categories: Ecosheets

The Need for Switching to Eco-Friendly Products in The Construction Industry

Over the years, the world has become a global village, with each depending on the other for sustenance. This makes everyone exposed to not only the boons of globalization but also the banes such as pollution, disease, disaster, etc. We continuously use Mother Nature for our own benefit but fail to take care of nature in return. Such selfishly consistent attitudes have resulted in numerous environmental changes, negatively. Thus, going eco-friendly in everything we do nowadays has become incredibly important.

What is the meaning of being eco-friendly?

In a broad sense, being eco-friendly means to take conscious steps towards taking care of the environment. These intents are backed with the intent of not harming the environment and protecting it at all costs. Being eco-friendly goes beyond just actions. Eco-friendly encompasses products, people, processes and lifestyles. Some examples of being eco-friendly include, following the 3 R’s (i.e., reuse, reduce, recycle), turning off the lights when it’s not needed, saving water, planting trees, etc.

Reasons for being eco-friendly

There are many reasons you should switch to eco-friendly products. Here is a list of them:

  1. Global warming has increasingly become a predicament for us all. This due to the rise of pollution in everything from our air to water. Due to smoke released from car exhausts, factories, oil spills into the sea, chemical leaks from various industries into crucial water bodies and lands, pollution has increased at an alarming rate. Going eco-friendly in major projects like construction can help reduce pollution significantly.
  2. Preventing environmental problems like deforestation and pollution is the topmost aim of eco-friendly people. Such problems tend to be a result of large, strenuous activities like construction.
  3. Eco-friendly products tend to be cheaper than other products available in the market. Not only will you get better incentives, but your money will be well spent.
  4. By improving the quality of your lifestyle, being eco-friendly also makes you healthier. Cleaner environments are safer and healthier to live and provide better standards of living. You will also be promoting sustainability, which is essential for future generations.
  1. From innovating, construction and utilizing different strategies, we can create a world environmentally safe and strong. By practicing sustainable development in our homes, we can guarantee a green future for our children.

Eco-friendly construction: the pressing need of the hour

Construction activities, literally, build the foundation upon which the modern world runs. We are constantly present in one building or another. Not to mention, the population growth of the world shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. To match this growing need, the construction of various buildings becomes crucial. However, nowadays, people are constructing or remodeling their homes using eco-friendly materials like plastic roof sheets.

Why do this, you may ask. Well, because construction is majorly dependent on depletable resources. In other words, the materials currently being used to build houses, offices, hospitals, etc are made up of limited resources. These resources are at a high risk of running out if used excessively. With the need for construction looming over our heads, these resources may get depleted quicker than we intend them to. Thus construction activities have irreversible environmental impacts.

Not only that, but the problem of erosion also becomes ten-fold when constructing with environmentally harmful materials. For example, dredging for sand ruins river biodiversity; the erosion of topsoil takes place due to the excessive use of brick kilns; stone quarries have resulted in severe erosion of hills over the years. Thus, it has become increasingly important to utilize eco-friendly materials for construction.

Classification of eco-friendly materials

Broadly, the types of eco-friendly materials can be categorically used for setting the foundation, providing insulation, adding interior and exterior wall finishes, countertop materials, and flooring. For a more specific classification, such materials are used in the following activities:

  1. Roofing and ceiling which involves installing recyclable roofing sheets over your home.
  2. Electrical wiring systems which include using safe, insulated wires that efficiently provide electricity using less power.
  3. Waterproofing and painting of the buildings which protects them from water damage without releasing harmful chemicals in the environment.
  4. Setting up a water supply that saves water instead of wasting it.

There are several other smaller, but just as important activities in which these materials are used. The most commonly used environmentally friendly product is bamboo. It is used in numerous materials including a corrugated sheet, which is used for roofing, covering up homes, storage spaces or even animal spaces.

Advantages of eco-friendly construction materials

  1. Cost-effective

Probably the biggest plus of making your homes eco-friendly is the amount of money you save. Spending money on such products is lifelong investments. They are low maintenance and don’t require constant up-gradation for operation. Using task lighting strategies, for example, can save over 30% of the electricity usage in your home. This results in a greener environment and a lower electricity bill.

  1. Durable and long-lasting

These materials last longer than their non-environmental friendly counterparts. Such materials are designed using the principle of less is more, meaning that they take up less space but provide incredible strength. For example, using plastic pallets to lay a foundation makes it cheaper and stronger. What is great about plastic pallets is that you don’t need to worry about their durability.

  1. Biodegradable and energy-efficient

Such products don’t have an expiration date. Being eco-friendly, they can be reused and recycled multiple times. Even if they can’t, these products break down easily in the earth, lessening pollution significantly and creating the prospect of more resources. It can save a lot of energy as well. For example, instead of using coal as a source of fuel, install solar panels for a more effective solution. Designing windows in a way that allows the most natural light to come in can reduce your dependence on artificial lighting.

  1. Improved quality of life

Such products protect the indoor environment quality which plays a huge role in an individual’s health. Green buildings utilize resources such as water effectively, making sure that inhabitants have easy access to them without the stress of wastage. Including this, the products don’t have by-products that protect us from harmful toxins.

As the construction business continues to grow, it is our responsibility as humans to make sure that we give back as much as we take. Thus, always make sure to employ eco-friendly activities when you are building or using something.


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