Plastic is now used everywhere and by everyone. People use it limitlessly without even thinking about how harmful it is to the ecosystem. Plastic, a non-degradable polymer was once the greatest invention that could replace the materials that came from nature. Plastic is the only material that does not come from nature and is used as a substitute for the ones coming from nature. Thus, plastic helped protect the environment by preventing the excessive use of the materials of nature and the invention of plastic was said to be boon to human mankind.

However, with the endless use of plastic, the reputation of plastic started to fall. As it cannot be degraded by the earth, it remains on the surface of the earth for several years, thus leading to the problem of “plastic pollution.” Pollution caused by plastic to various elements like land, soil, water, and ecosystem is called as plastic pollution.

Plastic pollution has caused unrecoverable damage to all of these elements. In water, it stays undissolved, reducing the purity of water, thus hampering the survival of various living organisms in the water body. When present in the soil, it makes the soil infertile and pollutes the land in the long run. Thus, plastic has led to a situation where even the health of the people was getting affected. And this is because of the overuse of plastic.

What is plastic recycling?

A process of recovering the waste material and reprocessing it into a usable form is called as plastic recycling. Plastic recycling came as the biggest solution for the above said problems. And the focus of most of the people shifted towards developing the methods of recycling the plastic. Thus, with the concept of recycling and reuse, the plastic industry rose again.

Importance of plastic recycling:

By now, it can be clearly understood why plastic recycling is important. Here are the few top reasons which say why plastic recycling is important.

  • On the earth, plastic accounts for large amounts of solid waste which is non-degradable. The amount of plastic disposal is so high that it led to reducing landfill spaces.
  • Another reason is plastic pollution. To avoid the problems arising from the usage of plastic, the treatment process has to be done.
  • Recycled plastics can be used for other useful materials i.e. reuse of plastic can be done.
  • Plastic recycling is responsible for the conservation of energy and the environment. By recycling plastic, 80% of the energy that is put into for the synthesis of new products will be conserved. Thus, both energy and the environment are conserved.

Methods of plastic recycling:

The recycling of plastic can be done using 3 methods namely,

  1. Primary recycling.
  2. Secondary recycling of mechanical recycling.
  3. Feedstock or chemical recycling.
  4. Energy recovery or quaternary recycling.

Best way to recycle plastic:

The feedstock or chemical recycling is identified as the Best way to recycle plastic.It is a process where the polymers present are converted into smaller units called monomers by and this process is achieved by treating the plastic with suitable chemicals and subjecting them to different chemical processes.

The various chemical processes that are used in plastic recycling are as follows:

  • Hydrogenation.
  • Glycolysis.
  • Gasification.
  • Thermal cracking.
  • Pyrolysis.
  • Methanolysis.
  • Chemical depolymerization.
  • Catalytic cracking or reforming.
  • Photo-degradation.
  • Ultrasound degradation.
  • Microwave reactor degradation.

Among the chemical recycling methods, the best method is pyrolysis methods. Pyrolysis was seen as the most promising technique and thus, this method is widely used by most of the industries to recycle different types of plastic materials.

Catalytic Pyrolysis – best way to recycle plastic:

Pyrolysis refers to the degradation of waste materials at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. The catalysts are of great importance in the process of catalysis that improves the efficacy and efficiency of the working of the chemical reaction. The pyrolysis process is otherwise called thermal cracking,thermolysis, cracking, and depolymerization.

Generally, the molecules exist in vibrating mode at a particular temperatureand this stage is known as molecular vibration.The rate of recurrence of molecular vibrations existing in the molecule is directly proportional to the rise in temperature. As the temperature is increased, the vibrations increase.

This is the simple concept behind the working of the pyrolysis process. As the temperature is increased to a higher temperature, the vibrations increase in the polymer molecules. Because of the vigorous vibrations taking place in the molecule, it undergoes stretching and expansion. As the temperature is further increased the polymer molecules breakdown resulting in smaller monomer units. This is the process involved in pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is the most promising technique at the level of industrial operations.

Most of the companies like plastic recycling companies use this pyrolysis process as the major process in the recycling process. The only difficulty associated with this technique is the maintenance of high temperatures. But, this problem can be eradicated with the use of proper catalysts and other suitable precautionary measures.

Plastic recycling at home:

Plastic recycling can also be performed at home for a small amount of plastic by using some plastic recycling machines. A Dutch organization has invented small and simple machines that are capable of recycling plastic so that you do it all yourself. These machines also allow for plastics to be used in 3-dimensional printing i.e. 3D printing. They can be utilized forvarious other manufacturing processes. Thus, several home-based recycling processes are being developed and are into use.

Benefits of plastic recycling:

Plastic recycling can bring in a lot of benefits to mankind and the environment as well.

  1. Reduces the utilization of energy.
  2. Reduces water pollution.
  3. Reduces greenhouse emissions.
  4. Promotes sustainable use of resources.
  5. Reduces Air pollution.
  6. Saves landfill spaces.
  7. Protects the aquatic organisms.

It is good that scientists are working on new methods and ways are being developed to recycle plastic. Though there are many challenges in the way of plastic recycling like costs and efficiency, it is of utmost importance to recycle plastic so as to make the earth a better place to live.

Over the years, the world has become a global village, with each depending on the other for sustenance. This makes everyone exposed to not only the boons of globalization but also the banes such as pollution, disease, disaster, etc. We continuously use Mother Nature for our own benefit but fail to take care of nature in return. Such selfishly consistent attitudes have resulted in numerous environmental changes, negatively. Thus, going eco-friendly in everything we do nowadays has become incredibly important.

What is the meaning of being eco-friendly?

In a broad sense, being eco-friendly means to take conscious steps towards taking care of the environment. These intents are backed with the intent of not harming the environment and protecting it at all costs. Being eco-friendly goes beyond just actions. Eco-friendly encompasses products, people, processes and lifestyles. Some examples of being eco-friendly include, following the 3 R’s (i.e., reuse, reduce, recycle), turning off the lights when it’s not needed, saving water, planting trees, etc.

Reasons for being eco-friendly

There are many reasons you should switch to eco-friendly products. Here is a list of them:

  1. Global warming has increasingly become a predicament for us all. This due to the rise of pollution in everything from our air to water. Due to smoke released from car exhausts, factories, oil spills into the sea, chemical leaks from various industries into crucial water bodies and lands, pollution has increased at an alarming rate. Going eco-friendly in major projects like construction can help reduce pollution significantly.
  2. Preventing environmental problems like deforestation and pollution is the topmost aim of eco-friendly people. Such problems tend to be a result of large, strenuous activities like construction.
  3. Eco-friendly products tend to be cheaper than other products available in the market. Not only will you get better incentives, but your money will be well spent.
  4. By improving the quality of your lifestyle, being eco-friendly also makes you healthier. Cleaner environments are safer and healthier to live and provide better standards of living. You will also be promoting sustainability, which is essential for future generations.
  1. From innovating, construction and utilizing different strategies, we can create a world environmentally safe and strong. By practicing sustainable development in our homes, we can guarantee a green future for our children.

Eco-friendly construction: the pressing need of the hour

Construction activities, literally, build the foundation upon which the modern world runs. We are constantly present in one building or another. Not to mention, the population growth of the world shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. To match this growing need, the construction of various buildings becomes crucial. However, nowadays, people are constructing or remodeling their homes using eco-friendly materials like plastic roof sheets.

Why do this, you may ask. Well, because construction is majorly dependent on depletable resources. In other words, the materials currently being used to build houses, offices, hospitals, etc are made up of limited resources. These resources are at a high risk of running out if used excessively. With the need for construction looming over our heads, these resources may get depleted quicker than we intend them to. Thus construction activities have irreversible environmental impacts.

Not only that, but the problem of erosion also becomes ten-fold when constructing with environmentally harmful materials. For example, dredging for sand ruins river biodiversity; the erosion of topsoil takes place due to the excessive use of brick kilns; stone quarries have resulted in severe erosion of hills over the years. Thus, it has become increasingly important to utilize eco-friendly materials for construction.

Classification of eco-friendly materials

Broadly, the types of eco-friendly materials can be categorically used for setting the foundation, providing insulation, adding interior and exterior wall finishes, countertop materials, and flooring. For a more specific classification, such materials are used in the following activities:

  1. Roofing and ceiling which involves installing recyclable roofing sheets over your home.
  2. Electrical wiring systems which include using safe, insulated wires that efficiently provide electricity using less power.
  3. Waterproofing and painting of the buildings which protects them from water damage without releasing harmful chemicals in the environment.
  4. Setting up a water supply that saves water instead of wasting it.

There are several other smaller, but just as important activities in which these materials are used. The most commonly used environmentally friendly product is bamboo. It is used in numerous materials including a corrugated sheet, which is used for roofing, covering up homes, storage spaces or even animal spaces.

Advantages of eco-friendly construction materials

  1. Cost-effective

Probably the biggest plus of making your homes eco-friendly is the amount of money you save. Spending money on such products is lifelong investments. They are low maintenance and don’t require constant up-gradation for operation. Using task lighting strategies, for example, can save over 30% of the electricity usage in your home. This results in a greener environment and a lower electricity bill.

  1. Durable and long-lasting

These materials last longer than their non-environmental friendly counterparts. Such materials are designed using the principle of less is more, meaning that they take up less space but provide incredible strength. For example, using plastic pallets to lay a foundation makes it cheaper and stronger. What is great about plastic pallets is that you don’t need to worry about their durability.

  1. Biodegradable and energy-efficient

Such products don’t have an expiration date. Being eco-friendly, they can be reused and recycled multiple times. Even if they can’t, these products break down easily in the earth, lessening pollution significantly and creating the prospect of more resources. It can save a lot of energy as well. For example, instead of using coal as a source of fuel, install solar panels for a more effective solution. Designing windows in a way that allows the most natural light to come in can reduce your dependence on artificial lighting.

  1. Improved quality of life

Such products protect the indoor environment quality which plays a huge role in an individual’s health. Green buildings utilize resources such as water effectively, making sure that inhabitants have easy access to them without the stress of wastage. Including this, the products don’t have by-products that protect us from harmful toxins.

As the construction business continues to grow, it is our responsibility as humans to make sure that we give back as much as we take. Thus, always make sure to employ eco-friendly activities when you are building or using something.

What is a plyboard?

Plyboard also called blockboard, is one of the most important materials used in the construction industry. The plyboard is especially used for furniture, tables, doors, shelves, wardrobe, etc. The plyboard is made up of 3 layers where the wood stripes are sandwiched in between the other layers called a veneer sheet. The plyboards are available in various thicknesses and sizes.

Why use eco-friendly plyboards for construction?

The safety of the environment is a major concern these days. People are finding ways to improve the condition of the environment. Because of several reasons like deforestation, over-population, pollutants, emission of fossil fuels, etc. are the major causes of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution has affected the world in the most unexpected way. The ozone hole, seasonal changes, lifestyle changes, lack of reliability on natural foods, dependence on medicines rather than the food are the consequences of environmental pollution. From these, one can understand the importance of the usage of eco-friendly materials.

An individual must try to use eco-friendly materials and has to depend less on those that can harm the environment. Even in the construction industry, there are a lot of materials that are actually hazardous to the environment. One has to avoid using such materials and the practice of using eco-friendly materials must be implemented to have a healthy environment.

Plyboard is one of the most widely used materials during any construction like office, house, hospital, etc. Plyboards that are least hazardous must be encouraged.

Some of the examples of eco-friendly plyboards used in construction are:

  1. Corrugated recycled plastic sheets.
  2. Regenerated plastic sheets.
  3. Recycles plastic sheets.

Here are some of the key advantages offered by these eco-friendly plyboards:


The plyboards offer high durability. They are widely used because of the reason that they are able to withstand high pressures with great strength. For example, the corrugated recycled plastic roofing sheet, which is an eco-friendly material, offers great durability. It is said that this material is 200 times durable than glass.


The various types of plyboards offer resistance to Ultraviolet radiation, extreme temperatures, and bad weather conditions. The eco-friendly plyboard products like regenerated plastic sheets offer high resistance to the above-said parameters. Thus, the usage of these materials in construction can protect one from various hazards like Harmful UV rays, overheating, etc.


The eco-friendly materials like regenerated plastic roofing sheets, corrugated plastics are useful during disasters like floods, tsunami, etc. These materials can be used to build temporary homes. Because they are very light in weight and are resistant to most of the harmful parameters, they are widely used after disasters like earthquakes, floods, etc.


The above said eco-friendly plyboards offer the least thermal conductivity. Thus, one need not worry about the damages and risks involved. Substances with the least thermal conductivity control heat conduction, convection, and radiation. They also save energy consumed by preventing heat transmission between various materials. Thus, low thermal conductivity is one major advantage one can get by using eco-friendly plyboards like the corrugated cardboard which is a good insulator.


The recycled plastic sheets can now be produced with great ease from the waste materials. And this material can be used for various requirements like furniture, the building of houses, roofing, ceiling, etc. Thereby, one can replace the traditional building materials like cement with these materials. Costs are reduced and a new look will be imparted to the house. These materials are considered as modern building materials. Thus, modern and stylish construction can be made by omitting the use of traditional materials.


The plyboards are mostly lightweight in nature. Yet, they offer high durability. Thus, plyboards find various applications like roofing, ceiling, furniture, etc. The corrugated recycled plastic roofing sheet is an important example. Its weight is 5 times lesser than that of plywood. Packaging and consignment become easier if substances are light in weight. Therefore, convenience during packaging and shipping can be ensured.


As already mentioned above, these materials look much more attractive. One can design them in the way they like. Various designs, sizes, shapes are available with these materials. Thus, attractive appearance is the result.


The materials like recycled plastic roofing sheets are easy to use. Also, they do not damage so easily. As said above, they are highly durable, highly resistant and ductile, because of which their damage is not so easy. Thus, no damage costs can be observed. They run for a longer time period and they do require very minimal or no maintenance for years together.


Last, but not the least, the use of eco-friendly materials during construction protect the environment and can lead to a sustainable environment. After all, the intention of the use of these environment-friendly materials is to save the environment surrounding us. By using recycled and regenerated plastics for construction will show a great positive impact on various aspects of life.


It is well known that most of the solid waste is either dumped into landfill spaces or is burnt in the open environment. If an individual is able to utilize this solid waste for any purpose, then the landfill spaces will not get depleted easily. Already, a lot of landfill space has got depleted because of the waste. To save the existing one, recycling of waste materials is significant.


According to the traditional methods of construction, we use cement, clay, wood, etc. for construction. We know, wood comes from trees. To produce wood, we go for deforestation. Again, deforestation leads to consequences like lack of rainfall, lack of fresh air, unusual seasonal changes and so on. One has to go on cutting trees to make the construction or other things like furniture etc. But, what if we recycle and reuse the already existing materials. Will that not conserve natural resources? Yes, it does. Natural resources can be conserved thereby.



Thus, by recycling the waste material like plastics and using eco-friendly materials, a lot of problems can be avoided resulting in a healthy and sustainable environment.

People often use roofing sheets to protect walls and roofs externally. They are not only suitable for new constructions but also renovation of old roofs. It does not need a lot of care for their maintenance. Since they are light in weight, it is quite easy to install them.

Why should one be using roofing sheets?

The amount of strength and the protection of the roof is dependent on the skillful combination of different materials working together to produce the maximum outcome. Be it the garage or shed or an entirely different building, roofing sheets like plastic roofing sheets are essential to protect the roof from getting damaged in severe weather conditions.

There is a wide variety of reasons for the installation of roofing sheets, including the additional visual value. Apart from being resistant to rust, their role is that of physical barriers that protect the roofs from the extreme weather conditions such as torrential downpour, snow, hail, and high winds. If they are mounted correctly, they also aid in the prevention of leakages and increase the lifespan of a roof to a significant amount.

Due to a meticulous advancement in technology, these sheets come with an incredible and enormous array of characteristics and functions. There are various sizes of roofing sheets as well.

Four main kinds of roofing sheets

The primary thing one should know is which roof sheet is best suited for the purpose. Before slapping on any used roof sheet, it is essential to research first. It can spare the individual(s) from facing any trouble down the line. With their own set of pros and cons, there are several varieties in roof sheeting that fit the criteria of everyone. The four most common kinds of roofing sheets are mentioned below:

  • Roof Sheets (Metal)

They consist of tin, zinc, copper, and aluminum sheets for having a customized rooftop based on various factors such as durability, style, and price. They offer longevity and provide an energy-efficient roofing type. Their composition is almost similar to corrugated roofing sheets but they have much lesser curves.

They have excellent insulating capabilities and are always a great option for using atop a garden building or adorning the garage. People also use them in the construction of backyards, household cladding, and industrial roofs. Since they can resist extreme weather conditions, they are unbelievably durable and unbreakable. Generally, metal sheets can resist insects and pests attacks. They are quite lightweight also.

Metal roofing sheets can withstand high temperatures. The metal underneath does not become dull if they have a coating finished with plastic or polyester. To suit any property, they are available in a wide array of finishes, styles, textures, and colors. When one combines them with roof light panels, they will allow the light to enter without increasing the glass windows’ weight. Metal roofing sheets come with their own set of concerns such as noise creation and high initial costs. They are relatively low-priced as compared to plastic pallets.

  • Roof Sheets (Plastic)

It is the least preferred roofing option in the market. Since plastic roofing sheets are less durable, they are applicable in areas that have smaller structures like garden sheets and temporary buildings. The durability of plastic sheets depends on the kind of plastic one chooses.

The price of the roofing sheet increases with the quality of the plastic. In some cases, suitable quality plastic and plastic panel sheets elevate the overall expenses involved in the installation of the structure. If one expects that the plastic will exert the least weight on the rooftop, then options that are lightweight are the best. People can also use more robust plastic to increase the durability altogether, but this will only lead to an increased cost.

  • Roof sheets (Polycarbonate)

If someone wishes to construct a carport on the property or provide a dry and warm place for accommodating the pet birds, he should undoubtedly go for polycarbonate roofing sheets. Manufacturers use polypropylene resin to make them. They are lightweight as well as durable and one can easily cut them using a utility knife.

Polycarbonate is notably different from plastic sheet roofing materials because they are pH neutral. Therefore it offers high resistance to oils, water, solvents, and also harsh chemicals which means that they resist the dynamic weather conditions. Usage of flame retardants, UV protection, corrosive inhibitors, anti-static dissipative, and color options can enhance these sheets, especially.

These sheets have a layered double glazing design which provides scope for the space in the interior so that they can retain heat efficiently. It is beneficial for owners of animals. Since they have low maintenance costs, people use them as effective roofing solutions in places like swimming pool areas, walkways, sky lighting, and display signboards. They are UV-resistant and fire-resistant but not resistant to scratches. So, installers have to be very careful during the process of installing them.

  • Roof sheets (Corrugated)

People use them on a large scale in several agricultural buildings. It is mainly because of the shape which offers an increased strength to use them reliably for many years. They are quite low-maintenance and need repair after every 5-10 years which depends on the level of pollution they are exposed to.

Galvanised steel sheet, polyester painted sheet, PVC plastisol, and bitumen sheets are the three classifications of corrugated roof sheets. One disadvantage is that corrugated roofing sheets are prone to scratches and wear and tear if rubbed together. However, one can cover the scratches using touch-up paints.

Though the house might be suited to slates or roof tiles in a better way, one can consider the roofing sheets for a finish with enough longevity. A pallet of bricks’ prices can vary a lot. One can always choose the desired roofing option available in the market according to the requirements. It is required to assess the exact needs and budget before setting out to buy the most suitable roofing sheet. Besides researching on their own, people can also seek the help of a reliable roofing contractor if they require further clarity in this matter.

Food, Shelter, and Clothing are the basic necessity of life. Our shelters or homes play an impeccable role in our lives. When we are talking about any kind of shelter, we think about the protection it provides us from various natural calamities and other dangers. If you have a roof over your head, you are safe. Alongside the base of the house, the roof is the most important part of the house which completes it. Without a roof, any structure is no good.

Over the years, the meaning attached to the roof has changed. The style of roofs has changed. In one of the most helpful and recent developments, the concept of Plastic Roofing Sheets was introduced. With this discovery, many things took a rapid change in the construction of various shelters.

In this blog, we are dedicated to detail you about Plastic Roofing Sheets, its types such as recycled plastic roofing sheets, and the benefits of using these sheets.

What are Plastic Roofing Sheets?

Plastic Roofing Sheets or PVC sheets, as they are better known, are sheets used for roofing in domestic and commercial buildings. They are well known for their flexibility, durability, and protection against UV rays and adverse weather conditions.

Now, you must be wondering, what has made these sheets so different and desirable? PVC Sheets have come across as a replacement to the old and boring roofing patterns. The light weighted and flexible sheets can be customized according to use and are must more cost-effective than the regular concrete roofs. The use of these sheets has remarkably increased in the years. If you look around in your surroundings, you will be able to witness many buildings, animal shelters, nurseries, and factories using plastic roofing sheets.

Types of Plastic Roofing Sheets

There are four different variants of the plastic roofing sheets. These variants are based on the material of the sheets.

1. Polycarbonate: They are strong and light weighted thermoplastic material. It is known for its ability to withstand extreme heat, cold, or any other severe weather conditions.

2. Acrylic: Acrylic Roofing Sheets come with similar properties as Polycarbonate sheets, but with a little difference. They transmit more light, are much shinier, are heat bent, and can be recycled and used as recycled plastic roofing sheets.

3. Polystyrene: Polystyrene sheets are a bit for cushioning. They have similar properties like the other sheets but are known for their good insulating properties.

4. PVC: PVC sheets with similar properties like the polycarbonate sheets are low cost and easy to install sheets. They allow the maximum amount of light to get transmitted through the plastic roof sheets.

Another very interesting use of the plastic sheets for roofing in a more sustainable way is the use of regenerated plastic sheets. The specialty of these sheets is that they are manufactured by using plastics that are considered as garbage. It is made up of rags. Did, you even thought that plastic could be so helpful and recyclable? Another type of recycled plastic sheet is the paver block-stacking sheet.

Benefits of Using Plastic Roofing Sheets

1. Less Cost Incurring.

In a world, where everything is getting costlier, plastic roof sheets are a perfect choice as they cost very less and are easy to install. They also aesthetically light up a house.

2. Extreme Weather Resistant.

The resilience power of plastic is very good. They do not get destroyed easily. This property of plastic is used for the benefit of the people. Plastic roof sheets are resistant to extreme conditions may it be the heat of cold. They are resistant to scratches and damages therefore do not get damaged easily.

3. Stabilization against UV Light.

The main property of Plastic roof sheets is protection against UV Light. The sun’s UV rays are harmful to the human body. Plastic sheets absorb the UV radiations because of the special protective UV coating present on them.

4. A Step towards a Sustainable Future.

Sustainability and plastic don’t go hand in hand, right? Well, not completely, but plastics can to a certain extent be sustainable and recyclable. Recycled and regenerated plastic sheets like the Paver Block Stacking Sheet can be used again and again for many years. This way plastic is utilized in a much more eco-friendly manner.

5. Great Insulation Power.

The plastic roof is great insulators of heat and sound. So you can have a cool and quiet environment in your house.

6. Easy to Clean.

Cleaning your concrete roof can be very tiring. But, plastic sheets come in handy here as well. These sheets are extremely easy to clean. Just one wipe and you are done.

Uses of Plastic Roof Sheets in Various Areas

1. In Animal Farms.

Plastic Roof sheets are a very good option when it comes to roofing in animal farms. These sheets are easy to clean and damage-proof. Therefore, they do not get destroyed by the mischief of the animals. Also, due to its UV stabilization skills, provides a cool shelter for the animals while also keep them protected.

2. In The Factories.

As mentioned earlier, plastic is known for its high resistance against heat and extreme conditions. In a factory where there are big machines engaged in manufacturing work, a lot of heat is produced. All this is absorbed by the plastic sheets without it getting damaged.

3. In Nurseries and Plantations.

Plastic roof sheets in Nurseries and plantations play a pivotal role. Due to its light-transmitting capacity, the plants are stored under a plastic roof, get the right amount of light, required for their growth. It protects the plants from excessive sun rays.


Plastic is always brought to our mind the thought of pollution. But, when utilized wisely, everything can benefit the environment. Plastic roof sheets are a capable replacement for concrete roofs. They provide better protection from the sun’s rays, extreme weather condition, and are much more cost-effective. Switch to plastic roof sheets and make your home a better place to live.

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